
I had planned to write about graphic design today. But I'm not going to. There are to many thoughts and feelings and emotions swirling inside me. So here are a few. Putting them into the universe helps. Thanks for reading. Life has been weighing on my heart. The heaviness of the air is smothering. I... Continue Reading →

Back on the Wagon

Well folks, I'm at it again. Writing. Blogging. This whole thing. I'm not sure if any of you have noticed but the world seems to be falling apart thanks to a global pandemic. Much of my world has changed, other pieces are exactly the same. I'm not currently working outside the home. Obviously, substitute teaching... Continue Reading →

Self-Care in Creativity

Self-Care has become such a hot topic and for good reason. Our society pushes us into lives that are ever increasing in the busy, the bustle, the to-do, the obligations, the yes. And yet, our bodies crave reprieve and recharge. We must have rest. We must find a space to discover renewal. A quick google... Continue Reading →

January in Review

Well, January is behind us. It always feel like it takes extra long. Between the short dark days, cold damp weather and the let down after the holidays, it often feels like January never seems to sparkle the same way as the other months. But January has it's own magic. A time for renewal and... Continue Reading →

Comin’ Atcha!

Some people hate New Year's Resolutions. Some people love them. I used to be the first but have become the second. I LOVE a good resolution! I've learned that I am a person who likes a set date to start a fresh page, a clean slate. Several years ago I started developing resolutions and have... Continue Reading →

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